Conference Announcement
The Institute of Advanced Studies and Research on Tourism (IREST) and the Tourism Studies Working Group (TSWG) are proposing a conference on
Tourisme et Erotisme / Eroticism and Tourism
To be held during the 2014-2015 academic year in Geneva, Switzerland, under the local leadership of Professor Jean-Francois Staszak (Geography, University of Geneva)
Maria Gravari-Barbas and Nelson Graburn are requesting your attention and active participation. Please write to us if you would consider serving as a member of the Scientific Committee, and if you have any suggestions for topics, panels, participants or ancillary activities. Please also let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for other people outside of the TSWG mailing list with whom we should get in touch.
Looking forward to your enthusiastic cooperation and stimulation.
Nelson Graburn, TSWG, UC Berkeley
Maria Gravari-Barbas, IREST, Paris-Sorbonne 1