COLLOQUIA 2008-2009

University of California, Berkeley
2008-2009 Calendar

Note: unless otherwise indicated, all colloquia are held in the Gifford Room, 221 Kroeber Hall, at 4 PM.

Friday, September 12

          Fall Opening Meeting and Colloquium 3-6 pm

          3-4 pm Organizational Meeting.
          All graduate students, faculty, and post-doctoral researchers involved in the
          academic study of tourism and travel are welcome to attend.

    4-6 pm First Fall Colloquium featuring Mahlon W.L. Chute
    (Ph.D. Candidate, History of Art and Architecture, UC Santa Barbara)
    Title: "Welcome to Fabulous Uptown Las Vegas: Plans for an Economic Revitalization of Las Vegas' Westside"
    Co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly

Friday, September 26 and Saturday, September 27

          Symposium on Indigenous Tourism:
          "Cultural Tourism Movements: Articulating and Problematizing Indigeniety"
Preliminary schedule available here
          Co-sponsored by the Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities,
          the Department of Ethnic Studies, Chicano/Latino Studies, Native
          American Studies, the Division of Social Sciences, the Division of Arts
          and Humanities, Canadian Studies, the Institute for East Asian Studies,
          the Center for Chinese Studies and the Department of Rhetoric

Friday, October 3

         Workshop for grant proposals and applications
Contact Jenny Chio to participate (jchio at berkeley)

Friday, October 24

          Colloquium featuring Dr. Ranjan Bandyopadhyay
          (Department of Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism Management
          San Jose State University)
          Title: To Feel Like that Last Englishman in a Raj Era Bungalow:
                  Consuming Colonial Nostalgia in India
          Co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly

Friday, October 31

          Colloquium featuring Dr. Laura Bathurst
          (School of International Studies,
University of the Pacific)
          Title: Perceptions of Greed: Development as Activist Tourism in Northern Bolivia
          Co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly

Friday, November 7

          Symposium on History, Tourism, and Mexico 3-7 pm

          Please note the earlier start time.

           Schedule and list of participants available here.

         Co-sponsored by the Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities,
          the Department of Ethnic Studies, Department of Anthropology, Center
          for Latin American Studies, Department of History, the Chicano Studies
          Program, and the Graduate Assembly

Friday, November 14

        Colloquium featuring Dr. Noel Salazar
(Postdoctoral Fellow, Interculturalism, Migration and Minority
          Research Center, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Leuven)
      Title: Picturing Paradise: a tourism imaginary or a cosmobile dream?
          Co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly

Friday, November 21

          No-host Reception during the AAA Annual Meeting 6 pm
          Join us at the Redwood Room, in the Clift Hotel (one block from the AAA
          headquarters hotel), for informal drinks and to connect with colleagues.

Spring 2009

Friday, January 30
         Colloquium featuring Lina Tegtmeyer
         (Doctoral Student, Freie Universitaet Berlin)
         Title: Out of the Picture - Visual Exclusion in Tourist Imagery? A Cultural Analysis of
         Postcards and Guide Book Pictures of New York City and Detroit
         Co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly
Friday, February 20 **Note date change
         Colloquium featuring graduate student researchers
         from UC Santa Cruz (Anthropology)
         With Heath Cabot, Jason Rodriguez, and Aviva Sinervo
          Presentations will discuss recent ethnographic research completed in Greece,
         India, and Peru
         Co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly
Friday, March 6
          Colloquium featuring Dylan Esson
          (Ph.D. Candidate, History, UC Berkeley)
          Title: "How Much Snow is There on the Ground?": 
          Sun Valley and the Framing of the 1930s Ski Environment         
          Co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly
Friday, April 3
          Colloquium featuring Dr. António Medeiros
          (Professor of Anthropology, ISCTE Portugal)
          Title: Nation and Excursion in Northwestern Portugal
           Co-sponsored by the Portuguese Studies Program and
          the Graduate Assembly
Friday, April 10
       Colloquium featuring Dr. Benjamin Porter
        (Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley)
        Title: Telling the tell: Revaluing the Middle Eastern Ruin
        Co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly
Friday, April 24
        Colloquium featuring Dr. Bertrand Réau
        (University of Lyon; Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley)
        Title: Made in Utopia: A Historial Ethnography of
        Social Practices in 1950s Club Med Resorts
        Co-sponsored by the Graduate Assembly

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